Sunday, March 27, 2011

Description of model

My final model is made up of the words Dreamtime from the artist Malangi ,which is the top section, and Controversial from the artist Banksy. the top half uses a lot of circles to represent the continual nature of dreamtime and how for indigenous people it has no beginning or end but involves themselves as well as their ancestors. Malangi's art work is painted onto circular vertical poles representing didgerdoo's within his work space reminding him of his heritage. I also wanted his workspace to be amongst nature so the stairs circle around keeping with the theme from a natural setting into his glass workspace where he can gain his inspiration.

Banksy's artwork is positioned on the left wall within a smaller working space in his room where he can sit and contemplate. the stairs are of different sizes and lengths to represent the word controversial. the room is not an ordinary shape keeping with this theme and allowing inspiration to be drawn from its bazar walls. the textures i have included are from the words poison and brittle which add to the meaning of the painting and his work. Banksy's work space is juxtaposed against Malangi's workspace as it is harsh and angular whereas Malangi's workspace is curvaceous and soothing.


