Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The theme I chose for my bridge to represent both Oprah and Lady Gaga is the empowerment of women. It is one of the main themes that comes to mind when I think of these two influential women as they both encourage all women to strive for their dreams, work together and not to be held back by traditional views of women and their role in society.

The bridge represents the path to empowerment. the bridge is broken up into sections to show the struggle to become empowered and that when one mile stone is achieved there are many more to follow. The bridge starts at the bottom of the cliff then winds its way up around the landscape to reveal the notion of moving upwards towards empowerment and that when one reaches the top they can look back at all the obstacles they have tackled along the way.

This views shows the bridge from Oprah's space. Oprah space represents how enclosed and insignificant a women may feel. and how daunting the path to empowerment is.This view from the top of the bridge looks back onto the journey from the small cave and reveals the amazing view from the top of empowerment.

Lady Gaga's space sits on the top of the cliff face representing the pinnacle of empowerment. Orange is used as it is a warm welcoming colour and encourages one to make the last journey towards total empowerment. I used a glass texture so that once someone is inside they can look out and feel on top of the world.

Lady Gaga's Lift: The lift is also orange for the encouragement to continue on the journey to empowerment. Layers were used to represent the stages to empowerment and how every layer you gain in life experiences makes you stronger for the journey to empowerment. the lighter inner core represents the vulnerable inner shell of someones personality and the darker outer core represents the hard exterior Lady Gaga has gained through life experience which helps make her so influential and inspiring.
Oprah's Lift: The base represents Oprah's journey to empowerment. the lift is open to reveal her open heart and life in the public eye. she can look out over the landscape as she rides the lift and everyone can feel her influential power as she comes down to the level of the general people. when at the level of the general public it reveals her ability to influence other lives as she is accessible and down at their level.

the Dining Table: The table is half a sphere to represent the global influence both Lady Gaga and Oprah posses. the table represents the two sitting at either end of the globe and supporting all women to become empowered to be the best they can be. the chairs sit flush with the table to reveal their close connection with their audience.

The Lifts at the meeting place.

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